Wednesday 1 September 2010

Wednesday 1 September

I arrived at Dubai International Airport on 7 February 1997 some time during the night.  The automatic doors opened and the heat washed over me and filled my lungs.  It was beautiful.  Just thinking about it makes me smile and I feel that sense of arrival all over again.  Not arrival to Dubai, the arrival of me.

The first 7 weeks were a whirlwind.  A week of orientation and meeting and greeting and then training school which was just so much bloody fun.  Some of it was desperately boring, but we laughed and yawned our way through it (some days dragged ourselves through a hangover and no sleep through it) and loved every second.  Hours on end discussing the importance of the correct lining and presentation of a croissant basket with some stupid bugger always asking another question at the end so the topic would be dragged out for another half an hour - and then an hour on a simulator being flung around a fake cabin filled with fake smoke or a fake whooshing of air from a fake hole in the fake plane and the donning of our fake oxygen masks.  God damn I loved it.  It was the absolute time of my life.  It's such a waste that I didn't know it then though and I almost lost it all for good for a man who wasn't even mine to have.  I don't regret many things in my life, from even the worst parts I can see how I've grown, but this is definitely at the top of my list.

My last flight with Airtours before I left for Dubai was a day trip to somewhere I can't remember the name of, maybe Florence, or was it somewhere beginning with an S?  Anyway, it was just a train distance away from Monte Carlo, so all of the crew went there for the day.  When I got to the briefing that morning I was speechless when I saw who the Captain was.  In my 18 months with Airtours I had always been intensely drawn to this one Captain whenever I had flown with him or even when we just passed in the corridor.  Not just sexually, but something deeper, something I couldn't explain, I had never felt it before.  It was completely overwhelming and I loved it, but everyone fancied him so I had always kept it to myself, I do so hate to follow the pack.  Plus I knew he was married and straight as a dye.  A lot of the flight deck shag around, goes with the territory, but this one was well known for his impeccable reputation, he had been there years and was quite senior.  I had bumped into him the day I was handing in my notice so we chatted about my move to Emirates.  I only found this out later, but he had pulled a few strings and a couple of favours to be put onto my last flight.  Me, him, Monte Carlo, a beautiful hotel room and a whole lot of chemistry.  Apparently he had always been drawn to me too.  Sounds like such a cheesy cliche now when I read it back.  We didn't have sex that evening, we talked and talked, and we kissed on the balcony, and we melded together so intensely and deeply in ways I don't even have the words for that I was hooked, and I could see nothing else but him.  I still cannot believe I actually did this, could be so fucking stupid and thoughtless it physically hurts me even to type it, but after 4 months in Dubai and a couple of visits from him to see me, desperately, insanely and some friends say fanatically, unhealthily in love, I packed up all of my things and got on the next flight to Gatwick because he couldn't bear to be without me for another day.  I stayed with him in the hotel where he was training for a short while and then he found me somewhere to live and paid for it until I was able to find a job.  The important thing I learned in next 2 months.....

A married man who is not yet divorced and is still living in the same house as his wife is still a married man!!  And regardless of the I Married The Wrong Woman And I've Never Loved Her The Way That I Love You Or Could Ever Love Anyone Else I Love You So Desperately You Are My Soulmate And I Want Nothing More Than To Marry You As Soon As I'm Divorced And Have Babies Together shite, HE WAS NOT MINE TO EVEN TRY TO HAVE!  And is it not so out of the realms of possibility that maybe, just maybe he felt about his wife this way once, AND THAT'S WHY THEY GOT MARRIED?!

But at the time, how could love so intense and so rare be the wrong path to follow?  Surely when this once in a lifetime bonding occurs the only right thing to do for everyone, including his wife (which she would see in time when she was out of an unhappy marriage and found her true soulmate too) was to follow it head and heart first?  It was nobody's fault, no-one could see it coming, we didn't plan it.  And so, (again it fucking kills me to say it) that's exactly what I ridiculously, unbelievably, naively, stupidly did.  I think you can safely assume from my choice of vocabulary that me and Mr Soulmate are not married and living in paradise with a brood of beautiful babies.  The reality was, I was a fabulous escape from the pressures of his very structured, pressured, stable, high expectation life, and I was kind of the mid life crisis to help him get over it.  When I became a part of the pressure, I no longer served my purpose, and so I was cut loose.  Lucky for him his wife forgave him and off he went back to where he came from leaving me abandoned in a place of England I didn't know, no job, no home and no-one to turn to.  And so I sobbed.  I sobbed for months and months without stopping.  A well deserved fate due to the circumstances a lot might say, but trust me when I say I have paid for it ever since with every other decision I have made.  It changed me so completely that I didn't know what was real and what wasn't any more.  I lost myself, I lost my faith in what was right and who I was, and I thought I would never ever recover.  I regret that time so much more deeply than I could ever express in words, not just for me, and certainly not for him, but for what I must have done to his wife.  Surely everything she believed and thought was true was shattered also and I wish every day that I could take that back from her.  She has the right to despise me until the day she dies, but I truly hope that she has the happiest, most fulfilled life than she ever thought was possible.  I heard years later that they have 2 sons.  I hope he is the best father and husband he can be and never lets them down.

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